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Saturday, 30 August 2008

As kinda expected, the I.S. draft 3 has to be reworked. So its back to the drawing board again to create draft 4. Its sort of becoming a routine? "Yay! I'm done! =)" "No it isn't. Redo it. Now." "OMG. Why?! Alright! Sheesh. I'll do it. Again. -.-"

My dear best friends who worry.. Thanks for the love ^^ you wouldn't worry if you didn't care right? Daijobu. Its okay. I know I can depend on you guys for green tea, sphagetti and random suppers (Alex), apple strudel and basketball (Eugene), and Starbucks coffee (Megan). Haha, but you guys mean so much more to me than just food. Love you.

Megan! Sorry for not replying your SMSes and CALLS! I know I suck. ^^'' I owe you one! Starbucks @ siglap sometime next week? We really, really need to catch up! SMS me when you see this!

Prelims is in a week. ONE week. Hmm. I'm kinda relaxed still. For now. ^^

PS: The Cheesecake Cafe is a really good place to chill
PSS: the sui gao (zhui guay in hokkien) at bedok central is really nice!
PSSS: there's this chicken rice stall in bedok central too that has a really unique way of serving chicken rice!
PSSSS: Shilin at century square has moved to tampines mall basement.
PSSSSS: I've made a really good friend over the weekend. And throughout this week too. ^^

12:07 am

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

It feels like ages since I last wrote a post.

I've gotten a structure for K.I. that I can live with. And a deadline to submit the next draft by tomorrow that will kill me.

I feel like a little child again. A
Child who has just discovered A
Treasure, that pulls with A
mesmerising allure.

I feel.. happy



2:06 pm

In remembrance of you, a dedication.
Friday, 22 August 2008

In remembrance of you, a dedication.

I miss missing you.
Love is a wretched feeling
the wretched loves,
without it my wretchedness is
But perhaps, I loved love,
and not you.
It is said:

"The void not filled by love, aches."

But I say,
the void not filled by
"The void not filled by love,"
aches more.

10:06 pm

Time waits not.
Monday, 18 August 2008


The past week has been quite crazy. I really thought that I had my I.S. out of the way and I could finally focus on mugging for the prelims and the A levels. But no, I have to redo it all over again. My sanity is hanging precariously on a thread. Worse, I didn't know it till yesterday. It was as if I had deluded myself, forced myself to be calm. But my thread was fraying. Alex finally helped me realise myself. My mind did not, could not acknowledge what my body language was saying. Yesterday was the proverbial last straw. Subjecting myself to a critical, cruel self analysis, light was finally shed on the fragile state of my mind.

I am becoming very short-tempered. My patience has reached an all time low. Its not that I do not enjoy your company, but more of "please don't waste my time, I have little as it is already" and "stop distracting me from what I must do". I would dearly love to sit at starbucks and chat with you all, free from the cares of the world. But I can't. Not now.

Soon, I will have to cut off all emotion before it overwhelms me. I apologise in advance to Alex, Yi Xiu and Eugene. The Joshua you know will go on a hiatus soon. He'll be back after the A levels. Hopefully. Forgive me for being very, very cold the next 3 months.


11:54 am

Till then
Monday, 11 August 2008

Of Blue Skies and Purple Eyes

The paintings flow past in the gallery of Life.
Sweet moments; Bitter moments.
Tentative beginnings and painful conclusions.

I stop at the emptiest section:
Of Love.
And wonder,
at the ripped canvases
that litter the floor.
Otherwise, it is bare.
There is a staleness that lingers,
in the stillness
the emptiness triggers,

An urge.

And I pick up my paintbrush
and paint my

The first brush with wild attraction.
Strong hues of red, pink and gold
of life's first infatuation.

The embarrassing attempts
and the cute if clumsy
pick up lines.

The sparks and the fireworks
that always
burn out; fade out..
after awhile.

I pause.

Trembling with uncertainty;
pure excitement.
The section is barely filled.
there will be a painting
like never before.
A painting that is
the essence of this section:

Of Love.

Till then,
I am content to wait;
the inspiration will come.

For that

Deep purple eyes
into mine.

A soft smile plays
and tugs tentatively,
on my soul.

Till then,
I am content to wait;
For the future begins where memory ends.

10:39 am

Sunday, 10 August 2008

I am particularly happy today ^^ ehehe, I just got two CDs from HMV! The blue one is the fourth album of Chatmonchy: Seimeiryoku. It has a really upbeat sound, though some might say the vocalist is trying too hard to hit some high notes. But I don't really care. Its nice. =)

The one on the above right is Ayaka Iida's first album: First Message. It was the only one left on the rack. AND I GOT IT. ehehehe.. I'll go back and get the second album soon. Cross my fingers and hopes it doesn't run out of stock. x.x

more photos:

5:43 pm

in response to [x]
Saturday, 9 August 2008

This, is an unobjective post in response to an unobjective person.

This, is in response to [x].

It is a pain to explain myself to people.
It is more of a pain to explain myself to people so insecure they
tag anonymously.
So I am not going to do it.
After all,
all they ever do is
get offended.

But I will comment on their comments.
Subtly, or directly,
I can't (and I do not want to) resist
that temptation
at a parting shot.

Especially when
their comments are overly
with little (or no) objectivity at all.

However all good things must come to an end.
After seeing the same emotional pattern
repeat itself,
one tends to get very

But for now,
the fun (different from the "fun" in my Sat 2nd August 2008 post, which anonymous tagger [x] erroneously applied criticism to)
and I derive immense pleasure
from observing the extreme naivete
of their underdeveloped psyche.
Amusement arises
when the immature insinuates that I am
based on the premise that
he or she is mature.

Claiming the moral high ground is a fallacy.
A ridiculous action that I would laugh at always.

Here, let me be a little more explicit and attempt to share the fun:

A little excerpt from my tagboard:

6 Aug 08, 22:10
x: "fun"?a game?srsly,grow up and get a life.

(to which I replied)

9 Aug 08, 13:36
joshua: x: do you even know what "game for a laugh" means.. I don't think you do. obviously, a very serious, narrow-minded person. And no, I don't want to grow up if it means getting your life. Coward.


After pondering [x]'s statement for a short while, I came to the conclusion that it was a referral to my post on relationships (Sat 2nd August 2008).

Again, an anonymous tagger. (I seriously don't have gang connections. Please do not be afraid.)

Apparently, a misinterpretation of the word "fun". I can't be bothered to explain. Check the dictionary please. Suffice to say my intention was for a positive connotation.

As stated above, [x] does not know what "game for a laugh" means.

"Grow up and get a life." You mean you have a life? Are you trying to say that you are mature? Growing up means.. becoming like you? No thanks.

In the end, all that [x] will ever gain from reading this is a feeling of deepest offence. Which isn't far from my original intentions in writing this.

[x]'s response will most likely be:

1. angry.
2. hostile.
3. try to ridicule me in order to cover up his/her embarrassment.
4. act superior.
5. commit the fallacy of ad hominem, specifically tu quoque.
6. tag spam my tagboard
with incoherent, emotional and unobjective comments.

to which my response will be:

1. quiet exultation that my predictions were right.
2. silence, because I am bored. also because, the person is doing a splendid job embarrassing himself/herself without needing my help to.
3. but most of all, I think I will laugh. alot.

Maybe, as you said, I need to "get a life". Then again, so what if my life does not fit your definition of "having a life"? What does it matter, as long as I am happy? Shake your head and mutter smugly that I am a sad case for not having a life.

Its okay.

Cos, that's what I'm doing to you too.

1:50 pm

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Fear is so evident.
The more you try to hide it, the more obvious it becomes.
Oh the comfort of the shadows..
Dark corners for doing dark deeds.
So hide your naked, vulnerable flesh
in this garish masquerade.

the presumptious zealotry,
resonates in the peasant's soul.
It gives
a sense of power
to the powerless.
Hide behind the veneer of
a façadious persona;
Embrace the crusade,
for what does your
pathetic life have to offer?
Nothing but shame and ashes.

Thinly veil'd, the venomed knifeblade
in thy espionage.
Stab and leave already.

For the literary illiterate:

Peasant: from a disadvantaged socio-economic class that flirts with poverty on a daily basis. Coarse mannered; unrefined. Culturally deficit. (Always ready to go on strike.) Attempts to emulate the upper classes, but the imitation is poor, if not atrocious. As a result, very insecure.

PS: the promise holds.

1:34 pm

To phyllis
Saturday, 2 August 2008

Dear phyllis, (no, I'm not being sarcastic.)

Its a pleasure to know that you are brave enough to address a post to me after all the horrible things I have said and done to you(take this as a public acknowledgement & apology).

Firstly, do you remember that in the email I sent to you (which I bcc-ed to my friend to pre-empt any misunderstanding) I stated that I would stop all forms of hostility, implicit or explicit? Therefore, the poem (free verse rather) has no reference to you or your situation, past or present, at all. In fact, it is not even about love. At least, its not the main focus. Perhaps the lack of words caused you to misunderstand? I was lazy you see, and did not want to bother typing out paragraphs of opinions and supportive evidence, et al. I wished to be as succinct as possible in conveying emotion and meaning, as they were in danger of being lost in a convoluted mass of proper sentences. In short, I took poetic licence through the economy of words. In case you misunderstand, I am not saying that your comprehension of nuances is inferior. Rather, I am saying that I left room for personal interpretation, and that your interpretation is not what I intended. I am reluctant to explain my position, because poems/free verse once explained thoroughly and exhaustively, destroys (or at the very least, degrades) the value and impact of the poetic intent. As once said to me by a philosopher, "that which is said loses its meaning. Once it is captured in and trapped by words, it is diminished." But for the sake of clarification, I will risk it and make the sacrifice.

Thus, my intention revealed:

This poem is first and foremost about the thorny issue of commitment.
I hold that love is not made up of commitment. Rather, commitment exists because of love.
If love is not eternal, then commitment isn't either and will possibly die.
Vowing to commit does not make the commitment exist forever. All promises can be broken; it is not binding nor absolute because humanity is incapable of the ideal, though we attempt to achieve it.

The idea is, that committing, not out of love, to a relationship is fatal. It makes one feel trapped. I believe, the very act of saying "I will commit" diminishes the commitment.
I am not saying that there is no love in commitment. I am saying that commitment just to satisfy the other party's insecurity is detrimental to the relationship in the long run.
There might exist a form of love between two people, but unless it is strong enough, it cannot sustain commitment. To demand it too soon, is the beginning of the end.

Furthermore, commitment breeds a sense of familiarity that tends to encourage one to take the other for granted.
This can be related to the "honeymoon period" phenomena.
Also, it causes one to have high (and unrealistic) expectations of the other.
When these expectations are not met, it adds to the strain of the relationship.

What then?

Unfortunately, there is the pre-existing notion that people who do not commit are flirts and "players". This view stems from an inferiority complex. One feels insecure hence the need for the other to commit even though commitment now is premature.

Is it wrong to just be friends and have fun while getting to know each other? So what if the other person is not "The One"? At least I have made a good friend. Is socialising wrong if we are on the lookout for potential life partners? I do not think so.

"But, shouldn't love be exclusive? Don't tell me you are willing to share your girlfriend! Love is selfish."

True, I believe love should be exclusive, but also I believe that exclusivity arises from the intensity of love, not the other way around. If my love interest is not exclusively with me, it is because she is not ready to commit yet. She may be the best for me, but I may not be the best for her, or what she wants exactly. Do I hate her for that? No. If I force her to commit, it might cause a souring of the relationship. Having such absolute terms as these give rise to the impression that "if you can't commit, I can't continue seeing you and I will be upset with you. Forget this, I was in this for an exclusive relationship, and if you can't give me that, goodbye." Its as if its "all or nothing".

Going into the next step and becoming steads is a commitment. This should occur when both are ready. It should never be forced. There should be no hesitation. It is a natural occurrence, not a vowed-upon formal decision. How to feel comfortable doing this? Enough love. Some might feel that if the other person is not ready to commit, then he/she does not love me enough.

"You don't love me enough! Let's not see each other anymore."

Again, a very extreme, absolute position. The person may not be ready yet, but may/will eventually be. A pressured relationship is no relationship at all.

That is why I like girls who are friendly and game for a laugh. Girls that do not mind hanging out, even if its just one on one for a movie and dinner date. After all, there is nothing like spending quality time together to get to know the other person better. And if I do not feel the other person is for me, at least I have gained a close friend. Not being compatible does not mean the end of the friendship. Its a no-strings-attached, let's-see-where-this-goes kind of friendship.

Phyllis, I will not comment about your relationship. I believe it is still a sensitive issue. But I thank you for sharing your side of the story on your blog. It gives me a fresh perspective.

Let me attempt to answer the points you raised:

Mere smses and words are not love. But they can contain a little bit of love. They can express a little bit of love.

I believe in the sanctity of love, so I never had the intention of insulting it. After analysing what I wrote, I saw no insult to love, only a criticism on forced commitment not out of love.

No, I do not think anyone fully knows what love is. But I believe that we can love, and that people can feel our love for them. I also believe that there is such things like "strong love" and "weak love".

My opinion on promises is this:
They can be broken regardless of the relationship status, whether its between husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, best friends or acquaintances. What matters in the end, sometimes, is the intent and not so much the deed. Even though the deed is hurtful.

Oh btw, I just read the later part of your post about me criticising/insulting you through poems. That's hurtful. I do not intend to rescind on my promise to do my best not to hurt you anymore. Sometimes, it does help to clarify the author's intent before making conclusions? How ironic, I wrote up there in this post that the poem/free verse is without reference to you or your situation at all.. If you must know, this poem/free verse is based on my personal experiences. It has no element of you in it at all. Your suspicion only goes to show that you are still very wary of me. I am sorry for causing you to feel that way..

However, I do feel that you have become more diplomatic in your posts (minus the last part about me being insidious) and the way you seek to convey your thoughts and feelings.

I have resolved to be direct in my interactions with you since the apology email. That is intrinsic to avoid hurting you further. Regardless of your statement that you frankly do not care about what I or others call you or say about you, I still believe that as a human being, our words and actions (or inactions and innuendos) can still hurt you. Of course you resolve to not let it affect you (much). Such thinking is encouraging. It reflects your tenacity and the will to move on.

On my niche:
Hmm. Being direct? haha, yeah, only to people who can take it now. No point being overly direct and pissing people off. Its better to moderate my comments and stop being antagonistic instead. On the same note, I am not lying to you. Believe it or not, its up to you. If your post had been a full-fledged insult and rant, I would not have bothered replying. So kudos to you. ^^

Thanks for clarifying your thoughts! I do not intend to ignore you. Its just.. the situation between all of us is very.. sensitive. And if ignoring you (in school or online or both) makes you feel better, just let me know.

Best regards,


6:22 pm